The Pain of Being Loved

I was dozing next to my granddaughter
deep asleep after fussing and squirming
!in her car seat on this long ride.
She’s done it again—sat on my tail

The voice was low, even sepulchral,
a tone that does not expect to be answered.
I looked down, sure enough, Heather was sitting
on her large stuffed donkey’s tail.

I wouldn’t mind so much, after all, who am I
to expect special treatment? I’m the least
of the animals here. The voice grumbled on,

who am I to think, just because I am her favorite,
she would treat me with  more thoughtfulness.
It’s happened before, my tail has been torn off.

I'm not one to complain, but it does hurt,
especially when it’s fixed back on
with a large safety pin. OOH just thinking
about it sets my teeth on edge.

I couldn’t tell the parents up in front.
They would think it was one of my
Let’s pretend…and roll their eyes.

I squished a centimeter to the left,
carefully felt for the imprisoned tail,
gently, gently pulled it free.

Still asleep, Heather gripped Eyeore tighter.
Oh, that’s much better!.
I’m not worthy of such consideration.

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