Bigger and Beta

We're happy to report that Uppagus survived our move (not in Internetland, our physical space) and we even know where 97% of our stuff is. We love our new neighborhood / home base, and feel ready to get to work on the future of Uppagus.

Let's stop briefly and visit the present, though. As mentioned previously, this is our 20th issue. Where did the time go, right? To celebrate dabbig two-oh, Issue 20 is extra big — packed with more than the usual poetry and flash fiction. You'll get a chance to digest it a little longer while we work on Bowietry (submissions still open) for January. We especially need Bowie artwork! Please send us what you've got.

Bowietry is just one of our ideas for doing "something different." Now that we're done moving, look for us to try on new angles and revisit our reading series (which we put on hiatus for a little more than a year).

As always, please enjoy this mixtape of totally October 2016-themed poetry and flash fiction as well as more mixed media art by Deavron Dailey and the eighth installment of "London Fog" by Dean Focareta.

Bring on the Bowietry!

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