It won't hurt.
Send us your:
- Poems and flash fiction
- Visual art (in digital form)
General Guidelines
We accept submissions at uppagus@gmail.com. Before you send anything, be sure to read and follow the guidelines for your medium. If we can't open your submission (or if it in some way throws a wrench in our operations), we can't use it.
In the body of your email, tell us your name and the title of each piece you are submitting.
Leave out your bio, prior publications, and other credentials. You'll have the opportunity to include this information if we publish you. We want to consider your work only.
We will respond as soon as we can. Our turnaround time is relatively quick — especially compared to the bigger magazines. Sometimes we hold onto individual submissions so that we can consider them on a few separate occasions. Feel free to query us if you haven't heard back after 90 days.
Uppagus claims first-time electronic publishing rights, and then the rights revert back to you. Past issues live on in our Archive section.
We can't pay you, but we hope to provide a nice setting for your work.
Poems and Flash Fiction
Send previously unpublished work. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if your piece is accepted somewhere else. Members of online writing forums like Fictionaut are welcome.
Attach your work to an email as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt file. Don't forget to include your name and email address in the files.
Send up to four poems or one flash fiction piece. We prefer flash fiction that is shorter than 750 words. If you are submitting multiple poems, put them all in one attachment. One attachment, one email.
Visual Art
Send up to six .jpg or .png files. Attach all of them to one email if you can. Zip files are okay. Keep in mind that we are not going to need huge, high-resolution images.
At least one of the images should be scalable to 490 pixels wide by 327 pixels high. Or at least close enough that we can make it fit without cropping your original.
When you list the titles of your images, list them in the same order as you have attached them. Nobody wants confusion.
We can't guarantee that your images won't be copied by Internet users, and are a little paranoid on your behalf. (But it's even easier to copy and paste text, after all.) This is why, so far, we have lowered the quality of images before posting them. As the artist, you can decide whether you want us to take this step with your work.