Thin White Truth

He called him “David Blowie,”
referring to the famous photo
of feigned fellatio on Ronson’s ax

though microphone was really
the receiver of oral attention—
and why should it not, from the singer?

But I still stood up for Ziggy, despite
the rumor and hearsay of adolescent
males, who also claimed, without base,

the guitarist’s pants were down
during said act—the proof they needed
to peg the orange-hair as queer—

whatever the truth, which usually
floated far above the boys’ necks,
 stiff and holding their heads straight

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John Zedolik is an adjunct English instructor at a number of universities in Pittsburgh and has published poems in such journals as Abbey, The Bangalore Review (IND), Commonweal, FreeXpresSion (AUS), Orbis (UK), Paperplates (CAN), Poem, Poetry Salzburg Review (AUT), Third Wednesday, Transom, and in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. In 2019, he published a full-length collection, entitled Salient Points and Sharp Angles (CW Books), which is available through Amazon. His iPhone continues to be his primary poetry notebook, and he hopes his use of technology to craft this ancient art remains fruitful.