Joy Katz

Dance invention: Mark Morris
                 Mark Morris
                 Mark Morris

(they) saw an angel
       in the sky
       over Nebraska.

Ellen Smith
passing through from one room to another
Looked over
said hello.

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Michael Wurster has lived in Pittsburgh since 1964 and is a founding member of Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange. He has received a Shaded Room Magazine Pittsburgh Award, the 1980 COSMEP Conference MVP Award, a Harry Schwalb Excellence in the Arts Award from Pittsburgh Magazine, and a Petracca Family Award from Philadelphia Poets. In 2015, a sandwich was named for him by Pittsburgh Steak Co. His books include The Snake Charmer's Daughter, and The British Detective. He has co-edited, with Judith Robinson, the anthologies Along These Rivers: Poetry & Photography from Pittsburgh and The Brentwood Anthology, a collection of poems by members of the Pittsburgh Poetry Exchange open workshop.