Old Age Is Not for Everyone

A famous South American poet vowed he would kill himself at the age of 65.
George Sanders killed himself because he had done it all and nothing was left to do.


Big man on campus becomes a withered dirty old man ready for his weekly bath.
That sexually liberated babe rocks in her chair, not the stage.
Unromantic dinners are senior meals starting at four o’clock.
Nursing home music outlaws the Rolling Stones and U2.
The only game in town is bingo.
All pleasures are taboo: smoking, alcohol, sex, porn, gambling (except bingo).


I vowed I would kill myself at age 65 when I was 19. I am now 73.
I have not done it all. I am an unknown American poet.

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Constance Woodring is a 73-year-old retired psychotherapist/educator/social activist who is getting back to her true love of writing after 45 years in her real job. She has had 14 poems published in American and British presses, one of which was nominated for the 2017 Pushcart Prize. Two excerpts from her yet-to-be-published non-fiction book, What Power? Which People? Reflections on Power Abuse and Empowerment and two chapters from her yet-to-be-published novel, Visiting Hours, have been published.