That Peaceful Easy Feeling

It only hurts a little bit
when I hear the opening chords on the radio,
Glenn Frey strumming and singing
in such a stereotypical country-western way
that it's a wonder I recognize it so quickly.
My first thought is "I used to like this song,"
but just then he gets to the line that I hate
about sleeping with his woman in the desert,
and my mind flashes to the Facebook picture
that you later deleted,
but could never erase from my mind,
of the luxurious tent in the wadi where you once slept,
but not alone.
By then Glenn is singing, "I found out a long time ago,"
and I think that it was five years ago when I found out,
and I should really be over it by now, shouldn't I?
Now he’s gotten to the peaceful easy feeling of the title,
and I can still remember the mood this song once evoked in me,
back when it reminded me of a different, venison-eating boy.
I can't believe I've let you ruin this song for me,
and I don't suppose you'll ever realize that,
unless you are reading this poem right now.


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Marne Wilson grew up in North Dakota and now lives in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Her poems have most recently appeared in Toasted Cheese, Boston Literary Magazine, and The Texas Review. Her first chapbook, The Bovine Daycare Center, was published by Finishing Line Press in July 2015.