jubilant prophecy

today I had a letter from insurance which said effectually I must not sleep must not use pills which make sleep come the way it used to come when standing up to put the cigarettes away was not a chore                 no nicotine no alcohol no sex no doubts about life’s movement from deprivation to the last tobacco on my lips starved now for a kiss not allowed before there’s nothing more to take away except my car                                some other insurance group will point that out while I read articles about the guy (actually he’s a doc) who’s pretending he can fix it so we’ll all live past 100 years               won’t that be grand?

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Hilda Weaver's my work has appeared in 94 Creations, Sugared Water, Licking River Review, Offcourse, and a micro chapbook from Porkbelly Press entitled "The Autobiography of a Love Not Mine". She also writes collaborative poetry with three other women, Nicci Mechler, Wendy Creekmore, and Kristin Koester. Some of their poems are forthcoming in Stone Telling and Wild. Dancing Girl Press will publish a chapbook of their collaborative and individual works in 2015.