

Hit by a car, he turned into a crow in those few seconds of flight: skin, flesh and bone swapping
places for a flash of beak and feathers prim and black as an undertaker

Neighbours reportedly said in the months after his recovery, he tapped at the ground
to divine for earthworms, communed with oak trees and entered a circle of crows
stronger than the wedding band scuffed, allegedly, in the accident.


Rewind CCTV footage of the crow hit by a lorry and you'll see a Pinocchio in reverse—the
intricate model of a bird quickly substituted for a man for a few seconds. Temperature shifts, the
air around him bends like a wedding band before the snap and everything fades back to bird.


Crows hacked flight because they could. Look at a blueprint of sky and see chemtrails as
evidence of their tweaking. Planes growl in jealousy, wait patiently in hangars for their

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Christian Ward is a UK based writer who can be recently found in Literary Yard, Open Minds Quarterly and Eskimopie. He was recently shortlisted for the Canterbury Poet of the Year Competition 2021.