
I loved wrinkling time.
Father loved baseball.
He’d take me out back to play catch.

He always threw fastballs,
Faster, harder, face taut, eyes narrow,
As if to say, “You better catch these,

“But don’t get too cocky, Son.
I bring your mother to tears.
I knock your sister to the ground.”

I learned how to conceal
The pain of the stung palm,
The pride of the catch.

When he’d let me go,
I’d race back to books,
Beg God for a planet, a tesseract.

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David von Schlichten is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and the Coordinator of the Gender and Women's Studies Program at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA, where he is pursuing an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction. Dave has over 200 publishing credits in various genres.