Haram II

one true nationality is mankind
—H.G. Wells

anytime i see the shadows
   of the night, i remember how
the blur of prejudice
        built a veil across
the foresight of justice.  
    how skins
with shades of tan
were bartered
for refuse and dunghills
i see that karma—
   the boomeranging cudgel
of fate & requital,
      has refused to be lord
over the white tongues
that stifled
     & still stifles
the idiosyncrasies
          of our virtue

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Ajise Vincent is an economist and social researcher based in Sokoto, Nigeria. His works have appeared or are forthcoming at The Bond Street Review, Indiana Voice Journal, Jawline Review, Jalada, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Chiron Review, Asian Signature, Ann Arbor Review, Yellow Chair Review, Bombay Review, Birmingham Arts Journal, Best New African Poets 2015 Anthology, Snapdragon: a journal of art & healing, The Cadaverine, Souvenir literary journal, Elsewhere, Sentinel Quarterly, & various literary outlets. He is a recipient of the Eriata Oribhabor poetry prize 2015. He loves coffee, blondes & turtles.