How to Observe the Horsehead Nebula

Do not replay the same dark horse,
the same perspective others dealt.

Aim Hubble's wide field camera
near Alnitak, Orion's Belt:

the old made new in infrared,
the horse's head now dusky rose

a primadonna girt with stars
preening in picture-perfect pose.

Or shut your eyes and journey back
to Boston, eighteen eighty-eight

where Williamina Fleming
peers at a photographic plate—

tired, perhaps, or missing Scotland,
dreaming thoughts above her station,

abandoned wife, single mother—
first to see that indentation.

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Mary Soon Lee was born and raised in London, but has lived in Pittsburgh for thirty years. She is a Grand Master of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, and three-time winner of both the AnLab Readers' Award and the Rhysling Award. The first print edition of her epic-fantasy-told-in-poems, The Sign of the Dragon, was published in January 2025. She hides her online presence with a cryptically named website ( and an equally cryptic BlueSky account (