At the Sign of the Dragon

in memory of Marion Van Der Voort

Inside were dragons
of every color and size,
dragons who reasoned
and dealt in magic,
and interspersed among them:
a host of talking rabbits,
a blind space poet,
and all the true kings.

I found myself
inside the stories --
in the reading of them,
and in the friendship
of the couple
who owned the bookshop
(for it was a bookshop).

They led me, book by book,
through worlds I fell in love with.
So that when I lay outside,
reading on the grass
in the boundless summers
of my childhood,
I was not alone,
but part of their
fellowship of readers.

Inside were dragons.

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Mary Soon Lee was born and raised in London, but has lived in Pittsburgh for thirty years. She is a Grand Master of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, and three-time winner of both the AnLab Readers' Award and the Rhysling Award. Her latest poetry book, "How to Navigate Our Universe," answers vexing questions such as "How to Surprise Saturn" and "How to Survive a Black Hole." She hides her online presence with a cryptically named website ( and an equally cryptic Twitter account (@MarySoonLee).