Climbing Into Books

I spent my summer worrying,
everything distorted, inverted, wrong,
but when I read,
everything else fell away:
I climbed up into books
like an addict,
like the child I once was,
stealing minutes, hours,
reading whole books in a day—
lightweight, insignificant, unimportant books
that would never lead to clever witticisms
to share with friends
after supper.
Instead they saved me.
Slowly I came back down
from their trivial, frivolous heights
to sit here at my computer,
autumn on its way,
almost myself again.

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Mary Soon Lee was born and raised in London, but has lived in Pittsburgh for thirty years. She is a Grand Master of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, and three-time winner of both the AnLab Readers' Award and the Rhysling Award. The first print edition of her epic-fantasy-told-in-poems, The Sign of the Dragon, was published in January 2025. She hides her online presence with a cryptically named website ( and an equally cryptic BlueSky account (