Eastern City

In the eastern city where
I won't return there is
a house that inhales its
ugliness like cancer again,
undoing the lives of those
who live inside and me once
among them, hate like a drug
they would breathe in. I'd
spend my time damned and
in a trance inside that place
where the toilets were broken
and my naked heart wrapped
up in their dark secrets.
The alcoholic with her raucous
demonic laugh, her children
like pickpockets, poisonous
air circling around me while
I slept; and like a third grader
the mentally challenged would
wear a blue star on his forehead.
Before I'd allow myself this
wasted life God pierced my
soul with his finger and I ate
it like a flower; madness
that gnawed away at me lifted
itself from my shoulder up
to its hierarchy of death.
Those I left behind lived in
their disorder, malice and deceit
their daily doses, taking orders
from their own god who watches
over them an evil, rheumy eye.

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Bobbi Sinha-Morey writes poetry in the morning and at night, always at her leisure. Her work has appeared in a variety of places such as Plainsongs, The Helix, The Wayfarer, The Path, Pirene's Fountain, and others. Her books of poetry Crest of Light, The Glass Swan, and others are available at amazon.com. In addition, her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and her website is located at http://bobbisinhamorey.wordpress.com. She loves aerobics, knitting, and taking walks on the beach with her husband.