She Played Grieg on the Viola

Once, she played Grieg on the viola for me
in her apartment bedroom in Kalamazoo.
She played me Grieg, this was years ago,
and I'm not sure, but I think she lives in
DC now. I don't know if she still plays.
We were young then, in our early 20s.
We didn't know what we wanted out
of life. Or maybe she did and I didn't.
I think she made us pasta in her kitchen.
But I can't remember what season it was.
I can remember her name and the pasta
in the boiling water in the small kitchen
and her filling the little apartment with
her viola, but the other details are gone.

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Scott Silsbe was born in Detroit. He now lives in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. His poems have been collected in four books: Unattended Fire, The River Underneath the City, Muskrat Friday Dinner, and Meet Me Where We Survive. He is also an assistant editor at Low Ghost Press.