The Autobiography of C. Brown

My parents never spoke to me.
Kept forgetting to put my plate out for dinner.
Even my sister shunned me at school.
The teachers stopped marking my exams.
When I went to feed my dog he
Barked me away from his house.
I had no choice but to leave.
Hitchhiked all the way out here.
Learned to play guitar.
Grew my hair long for the first time.
Hopped a scallop boat out of Nantucket.
Worked hard every day and loved the sea.
My girl had a baby a few weeks ago.
When he grows up we’ll play catch.
Maybe football.
Go trick-or-treating in the fall.
Sing carols in winter.
And if he’s lucky
He might fall in love
With a little red-haired girl.
Just like I did.

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