"Space Oddity," Performed by Children for Langley Schools Music Project, 1976

We had gotten used to singing hymns,
taking the tram up the mountain.
Then a new teacher threw rocks,
challenged us to hike the Grouse Grind.
Our cymbal crasher learned to crash
a half beat late. He matched our sense
of pitch. When all you hear is the person
beside you drifting off key, be a good friend.
Most of us picked up instruments and played.
I still don’t know what mine was called,
the metal one I beat with sticks for a while.
When you listen, you can’t tell the difference
between the boys and girls. The teacher
kept it simple, waving his arms, nodding,
repeatedly mouthing the words high energy.
No one coached us to tap into the sadness
you feel after you’ve reached the peak,
after you’ve risen atop steep, atonal steps
to realize the stars are looking past you.

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Daniel M. Shapiro is the author of How the Potato Chip Was Invented (sunnyoutside press, 2013), a collection of celebrity-centered poems. His recent work has appeared in Rogue Agent, Hermeneutic Chaos, Maudlin House, and Unbroken. He is a special education teacher who lives in Pittsburgh.