All Is Fare

It cost me fifty dollars 
to exist in this city
I could no longer 
watch my thoughts 
become the outline 
of fear on your face

My teeth began to chatter 
as I put my car in park 
Spring was making 
promises it couldn’t keep

I worried that without you
I would lose the intensity 
in my life, no more yellow lights
The enabler of never being 

I no longer believed that 
it was both a gift, rather than
a suffering 
What was eating us inside 
took you by spoonful 
but drained my emotions 
with a strainer used to empty
every last bit 

I could no longer run on E
rather my headlights began to 
display what was waiting 
for me here

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Sara Schraufnagel is a writer from Minneapolis currently living in Chicago. Her poems have been published in several print and online publications, including the Legendary and Aleola Journal of Poetry and Art. She is the sole contributor of her blog