Donut go gentle into that good night

(with apologies to Dylan Thomas)

Donut go gentle into that good night,
Old age craves something sweet at close of day;
Taste, taste against the dying of delight.

Though wise men know low calories are right,
They still indulge in bear claws before bed;
Donut go gentle into that good night.

Wild men with unbridled appetite,
Share in herb-laced ecstasies 'til dawn;
Munch, munch against the dying of delight.

Good men who seek a late day's tasty bite,
Bring back a dozen pastries for their friends;
Donut go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, toothless, deaf, and losing sight,
Squash with gums and tongue their soft beignets;
Chew, chew against the dying of delight.

And you, my father, before your soul took flight,
Dropped crumbs of pączkis in the kitchen sink.
Nosh, nosh against the dying of delight.
Donut go gentle into that good night.

For parodied poem, Dylan Thomas' "Do not go gentle into that good night," see

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