Romance Is My Oxymoron

O! Isle nigh stream our spirits oft got lost in urge,
O! Romance my oxymoron, once my sacred chord
Today you are the whip on my mind as years wilt
Without my honeycomb’s rosy lips seeing mine—
My Jewel-colorful strolled into the vale of silence
Leaving a spiritless weed to grace earth with weep
Other romance were ice beside our fire now slain
Years rove; eyes yet drop, by her tomb I have lain
Held in each teardrop is story of soured romance
Aye romance beaten to death by the villain death

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Eterigho Humphrey Oghenekome is a student of the sciences with a great deal of love for creative writing. He is a friend of trees and bird, and the son of two wonderful human beings. Combining experiences gained from his interaction with nature and men, he has found poetry is a viable means of letting go the experiences caged within him. His poems have appeared at The Squawk Back, Literary Yard and more.