I Am a Tattoo of a Sylvia Plath Quote
I climbed off an etsy necklace and onto her body
next to the tattoo of the big bridge
in her town.
The bridge tattoo and I alternate:
sometimes we quote one another,
other times we jump off each other.
It is not dangerous!
I am an invitation to something great,
but sometimes the great thing is a great tragedy.
My first time climbing over a fence,
my dress ripped completely in half. It was
I am a message:
I read every one of her bios.
I heard the recording of her from 1963 where she sounds like she is casting a spell.
The last place she lived she died so hard her neighbors almost died too.
Do you know how pretty she was?
Bodies ask for more
than air but we should probably say no.
I require a tattoo artist who knows Sylvia Plath
so they can provide the proper amount of pain
and understanding.
They use the cheap black ink that greens
and the fuzzy letters look like moss words growing.
Tattoo ink collectively agrees to stay forever but
some little droplets don’t keep their promises.
Do not touch me up.