Early Interviews

In those days I gathered misfits. None
         of them matched me or one another
                      but they were messages from the mosaic

of possibility, pieces of a soul that might
        solder itself whole if we talked enough
                     of the talk. You can be anyone you want

walking down the street, a twelfth-grader,
         Bobbi, said on the way home from school
                     when I was near the end of freshman year

and she was right about that, a strange fish
         in psychedelic polyester bobbing among
                     skinny skirts and faded jeans just before

disappearing down a decade we entered
         in fits and starts, a gang of contradictions
                     adding up to everyone except ourselves.

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Laurinda Lind is an adjunct English teacher in New York's North Country. Some poetry publications/acceptances have been in Artemis, Blue Fifth Review, Chautauqua, Comstock Review, The Cortland Review, Ekphrasis, Gyroscope, Jet Fuel Review, Josephine Quarterly, Kestrel, Main Street Rag, Mobius, Off the Coast, and Paterson Literary Review.