A College Collage


We know less than we think
about life and drink—
but four years is forever.
As we mature, we must endure
the debts that make us beggars.


Disguising his stink with scent—
the lonely undergraduate
becomes the fragrant flagellant.


Into the slack-jawed maw of the future
we go: not knowing from whence or whither.
Stitched together with various sutures,
we curse at the weather
from our precarious perches.

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Among other things, Daniel Klawitter has been the lead singer/lyricist for the Indie rock band Mining for Rain and a poetry book reviewer for NewPages.com. His poems have appeared widely in journals and magazines, both online and in print, in Australia, the UK, and the U.S. including: The Australia Times, Colorado Life Magazine, Light, The Galway Review, Plough Quarterly, and Think Journal. A member of the Colorado Poets Center, he is the author of six poetry collections and the winner of two Purple Dragonfly Book Awards for Excellence in Children's Literature.