Erroll's "Percussionist"

I play Erroll Garner's music as the leaves tumble in the wind.

Outside, a man loses his hat in a "maelstrom" of tinier, persistent

I can hear the percussion of the man’s hard soled shoes on
    the sidewalk and street as
                                 he is in hot pursuit.
               He seems like a man who is always chasing
                In pursuit of this screwed up opportunity     or that…

A woman with a paper shopping bag with broken straps stops
to watch him for a while, smiles with pity then
                                                                       moves on.

The wind has made the street and sidewalk a
                                "keyboard" of sorts…

        The hat and the man, fingers racing along.

        Then, the wind lulls lighter, lightness itself,
as if some certain aspect of a complicated life song just sighed deep
                         into a piano's resonances then is completed…

The man retrieves his fedora, bows gratefully then heads home.

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Writing has been a lifelong interest for Romella Kitchens. She has been published in the California Quarterly, Chiron Review, Ship of Fools, and many others. Her most recent publication was the Summer 2014 edition of the Coal Hill Review.