I love Swiss banks: tax evasion as the umpteenth of Fine Arts: I love Swiss Banks: I love Swiss banks

(this is an ode to our corrupt, yes)

Orthodox artists,
avant-garde artists,
all of them artists,
and Viva $pain,
and my heart is open
in front of such great artists
in one of my first landings:
a lot of zeroes:
Switzerland in our hearts.
Something flamenco,
for those bloody days,
and my hands in Switzerland:
Switzerland in our hearts.
And the ship sails on,
and the ship sails on.
Art has no borders,
or is it that I have no imagination?:
Switzerland in our hearts:
I will end up being the airlift´s Mozart.
We are definitely some artists,
when the hell are they telling us <<Olé>>?,
and, conversely,
there are a sudden supporters
of disobeying and dynamiting
these, our cute schemes
(a relief for the people?):
a lack of respect for our art:
Switzerland in our hearts.

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TS Hidalgo (44) holds a BBA (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), a MBA (IE Business School), a MA in Creative Writing (Hotel Kafka) and a Certificate in Management and the Arts (New York University). His works have been published in magazines in the USA, Canada, Argentina, UK, Germany, Spain, South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria, India, Australia, Ireland, Portugal and Chile, and he has been the winner of prizes like the Criaturas feroces (Editorial Destino) in short story and a finalist at Festival Eñe in the novel category. He has currently developed his career in finance and stock-market.