
And filled to the brim with cigarette butts.
All lipsticked.
Even the one designed like a shell,
a souvenir of Mermaid Beach.

I work my way backwards.
The Kool growing out of the yellow stub.
A red sizzle halfway up its paper wrap.
Coils of smoke.
The smell of tobacco mixed with menthol.
And then a mouth,
like two archer’s bows,
and the hint of teeth and tongue.

Then a face emerges. And a body.
A year, a month, a day.
Right down to the second
when there was a life
seated opposite me,
only an ashtray between us.

there isn’t an ashtray in the house.
If someone needs to stub
out a cigarette,
it will have to be long ago.

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John Grey is an Australian poet, U.S. resident, recently published in New World Writing, California Quarterly and Lost Pilots. Latest books, Between Two Fires, Covert and Memory Outside The Head are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in Isotrope Literary Journal, Seventh Quarry, La Presa and Doubly Mad.