Guess What?

Today an angry crow in a fir tree
Published a manifesto at me. Pack of clichés.
He was really pissed because the snow had covered his road kill
And left him nothing to eat but bittersweet.
He honed his beak, sending down a cold spray,
Flapped to the rusty fencepost. No improvement for either of us.

Consider now the fate of birds, rulers of air and earth,
Their millions chalking sea-rocks everywhere,
Clouds of them wheeling quickstep over wheat fields,
All the wide oceans spotted with gulls, goonies, pelicans.

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Conrad Geller has been a poet since Harry Truman was president. More than a hundred of his poems have appeared in print and electronic media, and his prizes include the Bibliophilos Prize, the Charles Prize, and various awards from the Poetry Society of Virginia. A Bostonian by birth and preference, he is now living in Northern Virginia.