Haikus Hilados/Haikus Yarns

Haikus Hilados

Reunión formal.
Congreso de Diputados.
¡Voces de Asnos¡

Cátedras todas
Rebuznan como antaño
¡Y sin maestros¡

Libros quemados.
Fiesta de Inocentes.
Niño en los brazos.

Haikus Yarns

Formal meeting.
Congress of Deputies.
Donkey voices!

Chairs from the World
Are braying as before
And without teachers!

Burned books.
Innocents Party.

Child in the arms.

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Daniel de Culla is a writer, poet, and photographer. He is also a member of the Spanish Writers Association, Earthly Writers International Caucus, Poets of the World, (IA) International Authors, Surrealism Art, and others. He has participated in Festivals of Poetry, and Theater in Madrid, Burgos, Berlin, Minden, Hannover and Genève. He has exposed in many galleries from Madrid, Burgos, London, and Amsterdam. He is moving between North Hollywood, Madrid and Burgos, Spain. His address is in Burgos, just now. He has more than 70 published books.