Chicken Feed


You might
bulk me up
on gingerbread.

You know
you can't wait to dive in
to hot flesh.

You know where
to find me,
how to bind me
into the latest
shallow halo.

Turn on
the oven.


Turn me over 
and say something reductive
of me. 

Impacting and empowering 

Act like every other aggressor
with your chin hair and your ugliness

Baba Yaga
what will it take for you 
to soften?

Wet the dirty mud
off those giant chicken legs
and watch what happens
inside this house.


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Juliet Cook is a grotesque glitter witch medusa hybrid brimming with black, grey, silver, purple, and dark red explosions. Her poetry has appeared in a peculiar multitude of literary publications. You can find out more at

j/j hastain is a collaborator, writer and maker of things. j/j performs ceremonial gore. Chasing and courting the animate and potentially enlivening decay that exists between seer and singer, j/j, simply, hopes to make the god/dess of stone moan and nod deeply through the waxing and waning seasons of the moon.