Circles and Grids

Sauntered through the housing blocks and
the footbridges that connected them.
Contained myself in the pockets of my
coat. Stood still behind the railing.
Streetlights and shop signs spun into the
blank between my eyes. Pedestrians
passed through me. What happens after I
come back, if I come back, and when. If
closures were circles, how do they fit into

So I kept on, as did the child. A cheap toy
it was, but I had to respect it. He flew it
the length of the pitch towards the corner
of the posts and into the net. Then he ran
to retrieve it, brought it back to the centre
circle and repeated. I’d seen him enough
to know he’d chase me with it, and it
crashed, few feet away from me, just as I
turned to look at it. I could have kept
walking but felt like standing there posing,
as though the cyclops in me had shot it

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