Searching for Goffner

Not easy to tell
this story & I do so reluctantly
but I will—I will tell you
about Goffner.
                         Perhaps my story
isn’t so strange. (An only child
with a far-away look)

Goffner was a blessing,
he was a longing. His eyebrows
were bristly, unruly.
His hair dark,
tangled & curly. He didn’t like
rules & wouldn’t wear an overcoat
& no one could make him
eat avocados. 

His body was big—bigger
than mine, but then, I had
no yardstick, no tape measure.

To be with him was a trance,
a levitation. He could be goofy
& crazy & we lived happily until
that awful first day—
(of kindergarten)
when my cruel & thoughtless teacher
found me sitting at the far end
of the rug at story time
& yelled at me—
Move forward!
            Why aren’t you moving forward?

I answered— (& since then,
have searched for him—everywhere):
            I can’t move forward—
            I’ll crush Goffner—

But of course, I did.

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Joan E. Bauer is the author of three full-length poetry collections, Fig Season (Turning Point, 2023), The Camera Artist (Turning Point, 2021), and The Almost Sound of Drowning (Main Street Rag, 2008). Recent work has appeared in Paterson Literary Review, Slipstream and Chiron Review. For some years, she was a teacher and counselor and now divides her time between Venice, CA and Pittsburgh, PA where she co-curates the Hemingway's Summer Poetry Series with Kristofer Collins.