Human=Social Media
We Uppagusers always try to cover new ground. We like each new installment to include some element — major or minor — that is a first for us. So far we haven’t done a true themed issue, although it’s in the cards for Uppagus year two. Still, humans make themes. We can’t help ourselves. As we put together each issue, more obscure or internal themes slide into place.

Issue 6 conjures one of my favorite bands, The Church. (Lots more to them than "Under the Milky Way"!) To me, issue 6 is what happened after the wolf from the cover of Priest=Aura got tired of watching that pyramid and laid down for Solemn Reflection.
The mating habits of rattlers — and humans. Distant stars that sustain alien life forms. Funny stories from a 1980 writers’ conference. Wolves occasionally reflect on these things. Also, Mutant Mannequin Envy (the first poem series we have published).
One important difference between wolves and humans: Wolves don’t have Facebook. As this issue goes to "press," you have a chance to become the 100th human to like our page. What does that get you? At least a shout-out in issue 7. Perhaps the feeling you have done something minutely momentous.
Thank you all for reading this first year of Uppagus! We hope you’ve enjoyed the experience as much as we have. Keep the poems, artwork, and flash fiction coming.