Upp Too Late

First, what I never got around to saying about the previous issue: Thanks for all the terrific artwork we've been getting! Issue 25 featured the most visual art of any so far, a pleasing development. Keep it coming!

Please keep submissions coming for the Octavia E. Butler issue, as well. We still haven't received a lot of those. If you submitted your work and haven't heard back in a long time, that's why. February was a tentative possibility for this special theme issue, but we'll have a regular Uppagus in the works for February instead and push the Octavia E. Butler to June or possibly later. It all depends on you, potential contributors. But one way or another, there will be an Octavia E. Butler tribute issue!

If you're interested, read the guidelines for submitting work. And if you're wondering, "Who's Octavia E. Butler?," proceed immediately to your nearest library or bookstore. Most likely, you'll understand why I'm a little obsessed with making this project happen.

You'll find a well of dark magic in these pages, and I'm not just punning around because it's Halloween as I write this (before putting up the issue, even). From the intriguing, ritualistic art of Daniel de Culla to poems about various ways the past can haunt us, this issue is as stark and chilling as winter branches. So I'll just step out of the way now and let you enjoy.

See you in February!

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