More This! More That! More the Other!
We've got some issues. They number in the double digits now! Seems like a perfectly legitimate big deal.

I like big ducks, and I cannot lie.
Photo by Marcel Lamont Walker
© 2015
What's so big? For one thing, you'll see more poems and flash fiction in this issue than ever before. You couldn't help but see the rubber ducky that ate Pittsburgh, plus other outsized subjects from local comics giant and photographer Marcel Lamont Walker. And you won't want to miss our special Wurster interview with guest interviewer Edward Murray.
Ed's fondness for and familiarity with Michael's work leads into a detailed conversation that takes a larger view. It is, of course, published in full (i.e., super big). They cover some territory Michael has discussed before in these pages, but from a different angle. And there's much more. Wurster fans will enjoy insights that maybe only the chemistry of these two poets could have brought to you.
Slightly off-topic: Uppagus Speaks #2, featuring contributors issues 3 and 4, will be held at the end of the month. If you will be in Pittsburgh on February 28, please join us. More details on our Facebook event page.
We hope you're as pleased with this latest Uppagus as we are. Thank you for reading and contributing! Uppagus would not exist without you. We always say it, but that's because it's always true.